Jean Loup Durousset, aka Naej Puol, is a self-taught artist. His career in private hospitalization, more precisely in maternity hospitals, influences his artwork, as he is interested in portraying the figure. His drawings, embedded with symbolism of the woman, presents a very personal interpretation of the female sex, as well as a satirical mockery of male sexuality, resulting in a confusing whole with multiple ambiguities.



Sam Cox, aka Mr Doodle is an English artist born in 1994. From the age of nine, he scribbled on the walls of his bedroom to create his own universe: the iconic DoodleLand. Mr Doodle's art is inspired by Keith Haring. Mr Doodle's drawings are composed of dense groups of characters, objects and motifs that multiply. Today, the pseudonym "Mr Doodle" is known internationally.